Matching Grant Miracles Happen Here

By EPEC Voter News: Jan. 3, 2024 — Call us the little nonprofit that could. A generous donor has awarded Electoral Process Education Corp. a $15,000 matching grant for data purchases and server maintenance so we can continue the great results we have achieved since we launched in 2022. We…...

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When Voters Admit to Mail-in Fraud

Posted from the EPEC Team newsletter: When Voters Admit They Cheated By EPEC Voter News Staff Nov 10, 2023 The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen released polling results today that are stunning (at least, for those who didn’t already document all this for years). Their release states: One-in-five voters who cast…...

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Who Entered the Mystery Voter IDs in VA’s Election?

From the EPEC Team Newsletter: Who assigned the mystery voter IDs of early voting ballots that were cast and counted in Virginia’s 2023 General Election? By EPEC Voter News Staff Dec. 10, 2023 — EPEC Team members found 99 voter identification numbers assigned to early voting ballots that were counted,…...

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No Answers Yet About Oscillating Vote Tallies in VA Election

By EPEC Voter News Staff Nov 9, 2023 Virginia’s Dept. of Elections has not replied to EPEC’s query regarding the output from its live voting feed on election night which showed major fluctuations of results — for both candidates. The oscillations were expressed in the outputs in near-perfect alignment, which raises…...

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For Those Who Serve, and Vote in Elections

From EPEC Team Newsletter: EPEC salutes the volunteers, donors, trainers, and elections managers who served the Commonwealth in the 2023 General Election. And to those who promote voter participation. By EPEC Voter News Staff: Nov 23, 2023 As we think about all the blessings for which each of us is…...

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Why Are Fewer Military Ballots Cast in VA Elections?

Via EPEC Team Newsletter: By EPEC Voter News Staff Nov. 12, 2023 — Electoral Process Education Corporation (EPEC) is again raising questions about why a higher percentage of Military and Overseas ballots are failing to be counted compared to the general population in the Commonwealth of Virginia’s 2023 General Election.…...

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Residency Challenge Could Put VA’s Senate Majority in Play

The Daily Wire has a bombshell story out that may determine control of the Virginia Assembly’s Senate majority, which Democrats have unofficially taken after Election Day on Nov. 7th.  Before results are certified, the Senate is controlled by one Democrat seat, “but a winning senator may have lied about residing…...

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Virginia’s 2023 General Election Results are (Almost) In

From the EPEC Team Newsletter: After 45 days of early voting, and based on live feeds from localities to Virginia’s Dept. of Elections, Democrats held the Commonwealth assembly by capturing 21 seats in senate races on Election Day to Republicans’ 19 Senate seats. Many of the races were decided by…...

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