When voters scan their marked ballots into a tabulator, who is observing the voting database? Who observes the management of digital voting systems once all ballots are scanned ?

Electoral Process Education Corporation (EPEC) does. We use software and processes that EPEC’s leadership have developed to monitor how voting lists and ballot systems are managed before, during, and after elections. This unique intellectual property is but one facet of our charitable mission of promoting transparency in election systems and voter participation.

A summary of our recent impact and results:

  • Thousands of Virginia voters appear to be assigned multiple voter IDs, following a months-long EPEC analysis of voter lists.
  • Many of the Voter ID “matches” that EPEC has researched appear to have voted more than once.
  • Follow up recommendations are in the works after EPEC briefed the Commissioner of the Dept. of Elections in Virginia on these findings.
  • EPEC’s analysis of 2022 absentee voting data shows that military absentee ballots are more than twice as likely to fail the tabulation process than the general voting population.
  • After comparing Virginia’s voting lists with the National Change of Address database, EPEC found more than 5,000 addresses in the official registered voter list (RVL) voters which cast ballots in the 2022 general election without a recognized valid address.
  • EPEC found a difference of over 66,000 discrepancies between the Dept. of Election’s official results and the results on its Website from the 2022 General Election

EPEC Builds Trust With Transparency and Results.

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Briefing to VA Dept. of Elections with EPEC’s Voter List Analysis

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