Voter Data Analysis by EPEC CTO Jon Lareau
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VA General Election DAL Stats
- VA Department of Elections Removing Full Date of Birth from Purchased Datasets September 4, 2024The VA Department of Elections (ELECT) has given us at EPEC notice (as of 8/26/2024) that they will be removing the full date of birth information from purchased datasets and replacing it with year of birth only. Note that this is not in relation to publicly available data, but for data that has been purchased […]Jonathan Lareau
- 2024 VA November General Election DAL File Metrics September 4, 2024Below you will find the current summary data and graphics from the 2024 VA November General Election Daily Absentee List files. We pull the DAL file everyday and track the count of each specific ballot category in each daily file. Note: Page may take a moment to load the graphics objects. Linear Scale Plot: Place […]Jonathan Lareau
- A Canary in the Data Mine August 12, 2024Since VA Gov Youngkin issued Executive Order 35, it has been getting quite a bit of press … I wanted to make a few comments on it after having a chance to digest it. Overall, I think it’s a net positive for Election Integrity efforts in VA, but not because there is any new or […]Jonathan Lareau
- Non-citizen registrations with previous voting history in VA election data – update July 2024 July 13, 2024We have updated our previous analysis with the latest information from the VA Department of Elections data. Update 07/27/2024: The below numbers have been revised after discovering a minor programming error and a human “fat-finger” error when I originally transcribed table 1. [The previous erroneous numbers were 2031 registrants removed, 438 with observed voting history, […]Jonathan Lareau
- Identification of 2,502 Potential Matches of Active Voter Registrations Between FL and VA Voter Registration Lists June 1, 2024Building off of our previous work on computing the string distance between all possible pairs of registered voter records in a single state in order to identify potential matches, we’ve updated the code to allow for cross state comparisons. The first states that we ran this on was VA and FL, using the dataset produced […]Jonathan Lareau
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