Voter Data Analysis by EPEC CTO Jon Lareau

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  • Non-citizen registrations with previous voting history in VA election data – update July 2024 July 13, 2024
    We have updated our previous analysis with the latest information from the VA Department of Elections data. Abstract: Using the data provided by the VA Department of Elections (ELECT), we have identified at least 2,031 unique registrations that were identified as “Determined Non-Citizen” and removed by ELECT from the voter rolls since May of 2023. Of […]
    Jonathan Lareau
  • Identification of 2,502 Potential Matches of Active Voter Registrations Between FL and VA Voter Registration Lists June 1, 2024
    Building off of our previous work on computing the string distance between all possible pairs of registered voter records in a single state in order to identify potential matches, we’ve updated the code to allow for cross state comparisons. The first states that we ran this on was VA and FL, using the dataset produced […]
    Jonathan Lareau
  • 2024 VA June Democratic Primary Election DAL File Metrics May 9, 2024
    Below you will find the current summary data and graphics from the 2024 VA June Democratic Primary Election Daily Absentee List files. We pull the DAL file everyday and track the count of each specific ballot category in each daily file. Note: Page may take a moment to load the graphics objects. Linear Scale Plot: […]
    Jonathan Lareau
  • 2024 VA June Republican Primary Election DAL File Metrics May 9, 2024
    Below you will find the current summary data and graphics from the 2024 VA June Republican Primary Election Daily Absentee List files. We pull the DAL file everyday and track the count of each specific ballot category in each daily file. Note: Page may take a moment to load the graphics objects. Linear Scale Plot: […]
    Jonathan Lareau
  • Non-citizen registrations with previous voting history in VA election data March 20, 2024
    Abstract: Using the data provided by the VA Department of Elections (ELECT), we have identified at least 1,481 unique registrations that were identified as “Determined Non-Citizen” and removed by ELECT from the voter rolls since May of 2023. Of those 1,481 there were 335 that also had corresponding records of recent ballots cast in the […]
    Jonathan Lareau