From the EPEC Team Newsletter: After 45 days of early voting, and based on live feeds from localities to Virginia’s Dept. of Elections, Democrats held the Commonwealth assembly by capturing 21 seats in senate races on Election Day to Republicans’ 19 Senate seats. Many of the races were decided by…...
The EPECTeam Newsletter has launched! You can sign up here to subscribe to the free weekly update on our work as a charitable nonprofit promoting voter participation and education about election systems and technology, A few snippets from our recent edition: 1. Notes from a Fruitful Meeting w/ Commissioner Beals…...
VA Counties with More Registrations Than Eligible Voters
September 20, 2023 — Nonprofit groups and citizens recently announced they have found 43 counties and independent cities in Virginia and four counties in Arizona that may have more voters on their registration lists than voting-age adult citizens, according to their analysis of U.S. Census data cross-referenced with existing registration…...
Multiple Errors Found in Virginia’s 2022 Election Scanner and Pollbook Data
For Immediate Release: Multiple Errors Found in Virginia’s 2022 Election Scanner and Pollbook Data At Least Two Precincts Showed Different Physical Ballot Count Compared to Scanner Counts Non-profit electoral process group calls for a full audit of precincts with discrepancies before Commonwealth of Virginia certifies local and statewide election results.…...