DOJ Withdraws Voter-List Maintenance Case Against VA
The Trump administration’s Department of Justice filed a motion this week to withdraw from a lawsuit the Biden DOJ had filed against Virginia to stop it from conducting voter-list maintenance under the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). (See the brief motion here.) Courthouse News reported that U.S. District Court Judge…...
VA ’24 Election Snowed by SDR Chaos
From EPEC Team Newsletter: Virginia’s experiment with its Same Day Registration statute, which went into effect in 2022, met its first major stress test during the 2024 Presidential Election. Based on logs available so far, this much of a partial verdict is in: SDR voters overwhelmed many precincts during early…...
A Salute to All Election Workers
From EPEC Team Newsletter: Virginia’s 2024 Presidential Election — and trust in the results — would not be possible without thousands of election volunteers who augment the Department of Elections’ work managing the 45-day election marathon. EPEC Team thanks all of them — and the volunteers who make EPEC Team…...
Counting to Close Out VA 2024 Election
From EPEC Team Newsletter: Virginia’s 2024 General Election tallies for President, U.S. Senate, and its 11 Congressional Districts were called soon after Election Day — but electoral boards are still plowing through a record number of provisional ballots in the official count. The deadline for localities to report out their…...
VA Election Night: Data Reliability Issues
By Jon Lareau, EPEC Team volunteer Chief Technology Officer Our team at EPEC monitored the Election Night Reporting (ENR) data feed published by the Virginia Department of Elections (ELECT) during the 2024 General election. While we have not finished collecting or examining the election results, we have observed a few…...
Nail Biter in VA: Fast Results, SDR Voters
From EPEC Team Newsletter: The nation elected Republican President Donald J. Trump last night in a landslide victory that swept battleground states — amid a presidential tally nail-biter in Virginia before Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris pulled out a 5-point win. By this afternoon, she had conceded the race to…...
SCOTUS Stay a ‘Win for Election Fairness’
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin called the U.S. Supreme Court’s stay of a lower federal court ruling that ordered the Commonwealth to return noncitizens to the voter rolls a “win for common sense and election fairness.” The Supreme Court order, issued earlier today, says the Oct. 25th order of the United…...