Legislative Audit Bureau of Wisconsin Report on 2020 Election

Legislative Audit Bureau of Wisconsin Report on 2020 Election

Report describes irregularities in complying with witness signature verification amid a massive increase in absentee balloting in a state with restrictions on the practice.

On February 11, 2021, the Joint Legislative Audit Committee directed us to evaluate elections administration issues, including:

–efforts by WEC to comply with election laws, including by working with clerks to ensure voter registration data include only eligible voters, and by providing training and guidance to clerks;

–efforts by clerks to comply with election laws, including by administering elections, processing absentee ballots, and performing recount responsibilities, as well as the observations and concerns of clerks regarding elections administration; the use of electronic voting equipment, including the methodology and results of WEC’s most-recent statutorily required post-election audit and the actions taken as a result of this audit;

General Election–related complaints filed with WEC and clerks, as well as how those complaints were addressed

File Type: pdf
Categories: Wisconsin
Tags: 2020 Election, Absentee Ballot Witness Signatures, Dropboxes