VA Counties with More Registrations Than Eligible Voters

September 20, 2023 — Nonprofit groups and citizens recently announced they have found 43 counties and independent cities in Virginia and four counties in Arizona that may have more voters on their registration lists than voting-age adult citizens, according to their analysis of U.S. Census data cross-referenced with existing registration records.

Since the findings, voters and citizens in Virginia (and Arizona) have sent “pre-litigation” notice letters to their respective election officials, including Virginia Commissioner of Elections Susan Beals, “urging them to take immediate and specific actions to correct their voter registration records in accordance with federal law,” according to an August press release by nonprofit group HonestElectionsProject.

The letters gave Arizona and Virginia 90 days to correct these apparent violations before the citizens commence federal litigation.

The DigitalPollwatchers division of Electoral Process Education Corp (EPEC) did a similar dive into the Census data and the voter registration lists for the Commonwealth of Virginia. The findings align with the HEP’s findings, albeit with some slight variations on how many counties have more voters registered than eligible voters.

According to DigitalPollWatchers.org:

Even the most forgiving analysis we could compute with the official data from US Census and VA ELECT, which only considers active voters and attempts to adjust for population change since the census, still results in multiple (6) counties in VA having more than 100% registered voters than eligible voters, and many counties that had over 90%.

The most appropriate metric to consider, in my opinion, is the Adjusted and either Active or Inactive status results, as inactive status registrations can still be converted to active status and voted. There were 36 localities with over 100% in this category and 59 between 90% and 100%. There are 133 voting localities in total in VA.

See full write up on DPW here:


VA voter registrations greater than census determined eligible voters


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